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[OOAD] 3-3. Elaboration - OOI Elaboration - OOI (Object Oriented Implentation) - Systemetic 하게 기계적으로 구현하는 단계 - OOA / OOD를 잘해놓으면 Implementation 단계가 쉬워진다. Designing for Visibility - Visibility is the ability of an object to “see” or “have a reference to” another object. When an object A sends a message to an object B, B must be visible to A. - 4 common ways that visibility can be achieved from object A to object B: Attribute v.. 2022. 8. 29.
[OOAD] 3-2. Elaboration - OOD Iteratively Analysis and Design - In iterative development, a transition from requirements/OOA to design/implementation occur in each iteration. - iteration (매 3주)마다 mini-waterfall(Requirement Analysis -Design-구현- 테스트)을 진행해서 계속 반복! Logical Architecture and UML Package Diagrams - A software architecture is the set of significant decisions about the organization of a software system, : the selecti.. 2022. 8. 29.
[OOAD] 1. Introduction of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Object-Oriented Analysis and Design - Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA, 객체 지향 분석) : Discover the domain concepts/objects (the objects of the problem domain) : domain concepts/objects 찾는 단계이다. → Define use cases / Define Domail Model - Object-Oriented Design (OOD, 객체 지향 설계) : Define software objects (static) → Define interaction diagram : Object을 구성하는 Attributes와 Operation을 정의한다. : Define how they c.. 2022. 8. 29.
[UML] Component Diagram UML Components - component는 코드로 개발하는 단위 → class를 만듦 - Components interact with each other through interfaces. • Provided interface : Interface that the component realizes (provided services) → Ball symbols / output • Required interface : Interface that the component needs to function (expected services) → socket symbols / input - 3 standard ways to show provided and required interfaces in UML • .. 2022. 8. 29.
[UML] Activity Diagram Activity Diagram - shows the flow of actions in system - shows the flow of operations in methods/functions * no flow of messages from one activity to another Activity Diagram Notations Activity : 일 (상태 X) / the core symbol / rectangle with rounded ends Transition : trigger가 없음, 앞에 activity가 끝나면 넘어감 / shows the flow (sequence) between activities Objects Activity Diagram vs Statechart Diagram - 둘다.. 2022. 8. 29.
[UML] Statechart Diagram Statechart - FSM (Finite State Machine) - Formal Specification Model, 정형 명세 모델 - State machine (=Statechart) diagram is used as follows: – to model the possible states of a system or object (시스템 또는 객체의 가능한 상태를 모델링) – to show how state transitions occur as a consequence of events (이벤트 결과로 상태 전환이 어떻게 일어나는지) – to show what behavior the system or object exhibits in each state (각 state에서 어떤 행동을 하는지) .. 2022. 8. 29.
[UML] Sequence Diagram Interation Diagrams - Interaction diagrams illustrate how objects interact via messages. (Dynamic object modeling) Sequence Diagram - Lifeline boxes : Represent the participants (roles) : 아래로 lifelines 표시됨 - Messages 3 Types of Messages Synchronous message : 무조건 Response message를 기다림 - Sender waits until it has received a response message before continuing. - An execution specification is insert.. 2022. 8. 29.
[UML] Class Diagram Class Diagrams - static structure를 그릴 때 사용 - The same UML class diagrams can be used in multiple perspectives. * In a conceptual perspective, Domain model - OOA : 간단하게 * In a design perspective, Design Class Diagram (DCD) -OOD : 구현될 때, Design Model code Generation 수준으로 Object - Object Diagram :특정 시점의 관계를 표시 - Object name은 소문자로 시작 - obeject들의 관계는 링크를 연결해서 표시 From Object to Class - A class is a co.. 2022. 8. 29.
[UML] Use Case Diagram Use Case = 시나리오 - text stories of some actors using a system to meet goals. = 외부 사용자가 우리 시스템을 어떻게 사용하는지 글로 써둔 것 → 요구사항을 분석하는 방법/ 장치 - UP에서는 Use case = Functional Requirement 로도 쓰임 Use Case Diagram - Use Case Diagram의 용도 ① 모든 use case에 대한 Summary ② system Context Diagram : 시스템의 바운더리를 그림 3 Formats of Use cases - Brief : Terse one paragraph summary : Usually the main success scenario or a happy pat.. 2022. 8. 29.