transition2 [OOAD] 1. Introduction of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Object-Oriented Analysis and Design - Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA, 객체 지향 분석) : Discover the domain concepts/objects (the objects of the problem domain) : domain concepts/objects 찾는 단계이다. → Define use cases / Define Domail Model - Object-Oriented Design (OOD, 객체 지향 설계) : Define software objects (static) → Define interaction diagram : Object을 구성하는 Attributes와 Operation을 정의한다. : Define how they c.. 2022. 8. 29. [UML] Statechart Diagram Statechart - FSM (Finite State Machine) - Formal Specification Model, 정형 명세 모델 - State machine (=Statechart) diagram is used as follows: – to model the possible states of a system or object (시스템 또는 객체의 가능한 상태를 모델링) – to show how state transitions occur as a consequence of events (이벤트 결과로 상태 전환이 어떻게 일어나는지) – to show what behavior the system or object exhibits in each state (각 state에서 어떤 행동을 하는지) .. 2022. 8. 29. 이전 1 다음